miƩrcoles, 1 de junio de 2011


Human behavior is very complex; we never understand the different ways people act in determined situations; for that, if we want to understand the different choices that people carry out, we must be empathetic and understand that each person has a different way of solving problems that the fate can create to them. Actions are the most important and this we can see pointed out in the three stories that I will mention below.

Three stories, each one of them is different; so, if we want to find a connection or similarity between them, we have to understand the feelings of the narrator, we must think, feel and know to the narrator for that our analysis is well developed and we expose clear and precise ideas.

Dingo, Thucydides and the German boy are three stories that we read, each one of them tells us the life of normal people; people that we have seen in our daily lives but we do not know, people who are fighting big internal battles without help from anyone, people who have gone away slowly and we have not noticed.

If we want to examine the stories in its grammatical structure, we point out that the stories are different; this depends on the place of origin where the story unfolds. We can realize in the story Dingo that the vocabulary used is appropriate with the origin of the story; the story is carried out in the fields of Australia, while Thucydides and the German boy are developed in different places of England. The English language is used in the three stories being the only difference the slang created by each one of them and we see developed in the stories.

If we read the stories quickly we can note that these stories do not have any similarity between them but if we read carefully the stories we can note that these stories have great similarities. In the following lines I will point out some similarities that these stories have.

The stories have some similarities as the secrets that the narrators have. These secrets are important for the narrators; well, if these secrets are revealed the family stability and personal of the narrators danger.

In the story Thucydides we can see the infidelity of the father of the narrator, being this the big secret that the narrator discovers and must be quiet; well, if this secret is revealed the family stability will break. She has another secret that also hurts the family relationship. She does not attend classes, and this causes a conflict when parents know the truth.

The big secret in the story Dingo is that the narrator hides the identity of his pet, because in the big farm where he works his boss hates wild dogs because the wild dogs kill sheep and cow. When the boss discovers the secret, the narrator will get rid of the dog.

The German boy is the third story, in this story we can identify a big secret which prevents the narrator can enjoy his family. He avoids saying the financial problems that his company has; this problem prevents him to enjoy the happy moments with his family, He lives in a constant state of frustration.

In the three stories the narrators think of love as sacrifice; so, they show their love but they avoid that their families know the truth. The narrators try to solve problems but at the end they only get to live in an eternal and personal misery.

In the story Thucydides the narrator shows her love to her family and the sacrifice that she realize. This sacrifice is to hide the infidelity of her father for the family stability and this is the conclusion of the narrator. It is necessary to understand that she sacrificed her inner peace for the family.

The literary work Dingo the narrator demonstrates the unconditional love his pet, being a sacrifice for the narrator to move his dog away from him; for that, He suffers for a long time because he misses his pet, also the narrator has a lonely life being your pet the center of his world.

In the third story The German boy the narrator is worried for his family and he expresses his love in different ways. The narrator during his life he has sacrificed everything for his family and in the present he must choose the family peace before that his own spiritual peace; he does this for the most important feeling of the world, the love.

The last similarity of these stories correspond to the narrators try to avoid the reality of their lives; various are the ways in which narrators avoid accepting the truth.

Thucydides the narrator tries to live in a world where her family is well established and where the problems, infidelities and lies do not exist; when she discovers the truth she understands that to keep her family together she will have to avoid remembering the day when she discovered that her father was being unfaithful.

The story Dingo teaches us that the narrator lives in a world where the most important is his pet, he avoids accepting the truth, he does not want admit that he is a solitary person When He accepted a wild dog as a pet he begins to trust little by little. The narrator lives in an individualistic world where he only worries about his needs and of his dog. During the course of story he just strikes up a relationship with a wild dog.

The German boy is the story where the narrator creates situations for that the family members think that all businesses are well; He creates a reality, but it does not exist and for that when the story is ending he does not yet have the courage to tell the truth; so, for that his family will not suffer he avoids mentioning the reality of the economic problems he is trying to solve.

Previously, we have read some of the most significant similarities of these three stories, it is necessary to point out that if we read the stories again we find new similarities that at first glance we do not find in the beginning.

jueves, 28 de abril de 2011


A few minutes later Mr. Boggis was driving his old car towards the farm. As he drove he thought about the high expectations and dreams of glory and fame that he would get to return to London with the great discovery he had made. He always would remember the easy way of deceiving to Mr. Rummins, Claud, and Bert; the last people that he would deceived, because when his shop was known as one of the best antique shops around London he could not continue their deceptions. As he crossed the yard in his car Mr. Boggis blessed the good fortune that he had of arriving at this isolated place.

While he got out of car, he continued thinking about the beautiful day, the soft breeze, the warm sun´s rays, and the years that he would from that moment. Mr. Boggis everything around him was beautiful, it was perfect. Despite the poor condition of the farm for Mr. Boggis was a palace whose treasures he would get.

As he was approaching the house Mr Boggis began to feel like your heart beat a hasty manner, he began to feel a slight tightness in the chest and weakness in his legs; he thought that it was due to the excitement of his great discovery. Before he had felt a little discomfort but he thought that it was a slight cold; now he felt a tightness in the chest that grew little by little, he thought it was the tension of the moment. It was in that moment when he saw Rummins, Claude and Robert, who were sitting on the porch of the house next a stacked wood; Mr Boggis thought: "Maybe they wanted to give wood as gift for the church in which I worked".

Mr. Boggis walked slowly; he was observing everything the path way to the house, to look again closely at the men, he thought that something was happening. He saw to Mr. Rummins with a twinkle in his eyes and a satisfaction´s face and an air of complicity in Claude and Robert, as he was approaching an idea crossed his mind, he thought that the men had discovered the trap and they wanted to earn for more money for the commode, Slowly the ideas revolved around of his mind, he was looking for the perfect solution if the case was that, he saw the quality of wood and a fleeting thought was built in your mind, the wood was the same type and quality of the commode; so he turned for looking around where the men were, and he discovered with horror the legs of his precious commode. He could not believe the fate that he had; he had many dreams that he had imagined about his discovery, now all those dreams were broken, He lost all hope, all the glory he had hoped to obtain was fading like fog. Now all the dreams that he imagined were lost.

Good morning again, reverend - said Claud.

Good morning, gentlemen - said Mr. Boggis - I have come to seek the commode, as you can see the vehicle is large, so the commode can fit into the vehicle - Mr Boggis said with a different tone of voice.

Reverend, you do not worry - said Bert- we think that already, as you only wanted to use the legs of commode. Here you have the legs and the rest of the commode is those pieces of wood.

We cut the rest of the commode for that you can use for the fireplace - said Mr. Rummins- you know that the price of wood is very expensive in the winter.

Is not possible! – said Mr. Boggis – I wanted the commode!

Sorry reverend, but you were interested only in the legs of the commode – said Bert- and you have the legs of the commode here, we are generous and for that we gave the rest of the commode for you use it.

You don´t understand! – said Mr. Boggis - I wanted to take the commode to a carpenter, he would do the complete job.

Reverend, you never told us that - said Mr. Rummins - we only wanted to help you.

While Mr Boggis thought about the irony of fate, He began to feel a deep pain in chest and his heart began to beat a hasty manner, he did not understand what was happening; he only understood that his life was completely ruined and these men were guilty, now he only wanted to leave of that place and never return.

As Claud, Bert, and Mr. Rummins understood that the Reverend really wanted the commode and they had destroyed it, they thought that the commode will not be used for anything else, so they decided to sell the commode to a price much cheaper to the reverend. Also they noticed that the reverend was really unwell, they saw his face and they noticed that the Reverend was really bad.

Well reverend, like you wanted the commode, here it is - said Mr. Rummins - as you did not tell us the truth we thought was right to cut the commode.

Yes, I understand - said Mr Boggis with a creepy tone- I really told you that I know my responsibilities.

Reverend do not worry - Claude said - we will fall the price of the furniture.

While Mr Boggis was listening, suddenly he felt an intense pain in his chest, and he remembered something that his doctor told him about his heart, while the pain was more intense he remembered all the damage that he caused to people with his deceptions. In that moment he knew that he would not have time to redeem himself that his life would end in that moment.

Claud, Mr. Rummins and Bert could not believe what they were seeing. The Reverend was falling slowly to the ground. In that moment they heard a few words they would never forget in their lives.

Sorry - said Mr Boggis with his last breath and closed his eyes slowly.